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17 Mass. Communities Awarded Funds to Plan for Coastal Storm, Climate Change Impacts

Posted on August 8, 2018

Awarded to coastal communities in Massachusetts to support local efforts to proactively plan for and adapt to storm and climate change impacts, including surge, flooding, erosion and sea level rise, the Baker-Polito administration announced Wednesday.

The Coastal Resilience grants, provided by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Office of Coastal Zone Management, were awarded to Braintree, Chatham, Chelsea and Everett, Dennis, Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc., Gloucester, Hull, Ipswich, Kingston, Marion, Mattapoisett, Nantucket, Provincetown, Salem, Wareham and Winthrop.

Under the Baker-Polito administration, 67 projects are funded through the grant program, representing an investment of over $9.1 million.

“Massachusetts coastal communities face ongoing and growing challenges from climate change as they work to safeguard residents and businesses, maintain infrastructure and protect developed and natural areas from increasing storm severity and sea level rise impacts,” Baker said. “Our administration remains committed to providing financial support and technical assistance to help communities invest in a more resilient future.”

The Coastal Resilience Grant Program provides financial and technical support for innovative local efforts to increase awareness and understanding of climate impacts, plan for changing conditions, redesign vulnerable community facilities and infrastructure and implement non-structural measures to increase natural storm damage protection, flood and erosion control and community resilience.

The following 19 projects have been funded in the grant round:


Watson Park Shoreline Erosion Mitigation and Coastal Resiliency Improvement, $42,410

The Town of Braintree will conduct a feasibility assessment and prepare conceptual design alternatives for stabilizing an eroded shoreline section at Watson Park on the Fore River. The project will consider the likelihood of increased flooding with sea level rise in developing design plans for a more resilient park.


Prioritized Assessment for Coastal Resiliency and Adaptive Management along Chatham’s East-facing Shoreline, $182,122

The Town of Chatham will use tidal, wave and sediment transport models to quantitatively evaluate the inlet and tidal channel dynamics at Chatham Harbor /Pleasant Bay. The study will support a detailed analysis of potential shoreline management options that could sustain the east-facing Chatham shoreline over the next 20 to 30 years.

Chelsea and Everett

Regional Resilience in Two Gateway Cities: Chelsea-Everett Protective Barrier Partnership, $323,406

The Cities of Chelsea and Everett will coordinate on the development of design plans for flood mitigation along the northern tip of the Island End River to comprehensively reduce flooding and sea level rise risks to vulnerable populations, infrastructure and numerous businesses.


Improving the Coastal Resiliency of Dr. Bottero Road and Chapin Beach: Coastal Structure and Beach Nourishment Final Design, $101,603

The Town of Dennis will finalize engineering plans and permit documents for a project that will stabilize an eroding section of Chapin Beach using added sand and a coastal structure to hold the sand in place. The project will mitigate impacts to Dr. Bottero Road while preserving shorebird habitat and salt marsh and maintaining access to Chapin Beach and the Aquacultural Research Corporation.

Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc.

Duxbury Beach Dune Restoration Project, $500,000

The Duxbury Beach Reservation, a local nonprofit organization entrusted with preserving a natural recreational beach for the public, will construct a 3,600-foot-long dune restoration project between the first and second crossovers on Duxbury Beach to improve the resilience of the barrier beach system and provide storm surge and wave protection to the Duxbury Beach access road and the communities of Duxbury and Kingston.


Gloucester High School Campus Coastal Flood Mitigation Project, $63,345

The City of Gloucester will evaluate, design and permit a flood mitigation project to help protect the Gloucester High School building, athletic fields, parking areas and neighborhood, which are vulnerable to coastal flood waters overtopping low-lying shoreline structures along the Annisquam River/Blynman Canal.


Nature-Based Solutions for Community Resilience on North Nantasket Beach, $142,011

The Town of Hull will develop conceptual designs to enhance the resiliency and protective value of the coastal beach and dune system on North Nantasket Beach, including both near-term dune rehabilitation strategies and long-term, large-scale beach and dune nourishment.

Hull Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Electrical Service Relocation, $148,350

The Town of Hull will replace the WPCF’s incoming underground electrical service and transformer with a new overhead service and elevated transformer to account for increased flooding and future sea level rise impacts.


Building Resilience through Argilla Road Adaptation Designs: Phase I, $156,155

The Town of Ipswich, in partnership with The Trustees of Reservations, will develop design plans for nature-based approaches or green infrastructure to help protect Argilla Road from increased flooding and climate change impacts.

Ipswich River Coastal Resiliency and Bank Stabilization Project: Phase II, $66,010

The Town of Ipswich, working with the Ipswich River Watershed Association, will develop permit-ready plans for stabilizing an eroding section of coastal bank along the Ipswich River to protect a sewer pipe outfall and other infrastructure.


Monitoring and Maintenance of a Living Shoreline Project at Gray’s Beach, $50,000

The Town of Kingston will develop and implement a comprehensive monitoring procedure to help ensure the establishment and long-term sustainability of a recently completed salt marsh and dune restoration project at Gray’s Beach Park.


Assessing the Threats from Climate Change to Marion’s Vulnerable Wastewater Pumping Infrastructure, $93,660

The Town of Marion will evaluate the vulnerability of its wastewater pumping stations and related infrastructure to storm surge and sea level rise impacts and recommend improvements and future actions to reduce risk to the pumping stations.


Construction of Mattapoisett’s Potable Water Infrastructure at the Pease’s Point Water Main Crossing, $498,750

The Town of Mattapoisett will relocate an existing water main that traverses an inlet between Pease’s Point and Point Connett to a more landward and deeper location to help ensure that service and water quality will be maintained during storm events and future sea level rise.


Resilient Nantucket: 3D Digital Documentation and Sea Level Rise Visualization, $75,000

The Town of Nantucket will create three-dimensional visualizations of projected flooding and sea level rise at vulnerable sites to expand public awareness and communication of climate change impacts and help advance local resiliency planning efforts.


Ryder Street Beach and Dune Enhancement, $149,153

The Town of Provincetown will design and prepare permit applications for a beach and dune enhancement project along Ryder Street Beach to help provide storm damage protection to critical infrastructure assets and commercial and residential properties.


Collins Cove Salt Marsh Restoration Project, $216,550

The City of Salem will restore 0.75 acres of fringing salt marsh using coir rolls and native vegetation to provide increased protection from erosion, storm surge and wave forces along the shoreline of Collins Cove. The project will also include monitoring and maintenance efforts led by Salem Sound Coastwatch to help enhance the longevity of the restored site.


Installation of Bypass Connection at Cohasset Narrows and Hynes Field Pump Stations, $153,375

The Town of Wareham will install mechanical sewer bypass connections at the Hynes and Cohasset Narrows pump stations to allow the pump stations to immediately continue servicing critical infrastructure facilities in the event of a catastrophic flood event. The town will also prepare design plans for a third bypass connection at the Narrows pump station.

Resiliency Assessment of Overflow Lagoons at the Wareham Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF), $63,750

The Town of Wareham will determine the additional storage capacity needed at the WPCF overflow lagoons for heavy precipitation and peak flow conditions with elevated groundwater due to sea level rise. Wareham will evaluate potential modifications to the lagoons to prevent excessive wastewater discharging into the Agawam River during flood events.


Coughlin Park Shoreline Restoration, $222,417

The Town of Winthrop will stabilize 360 linear feet of an eroding coastal bank along the bayside of Coughlin Park by nourishing the beach with cobbles and installing coir (or coconut fiber) rolls and planting native vegetation to reduce storm damages at the park and maintain access to the beach.

Source: 7NEWS Boston

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