Posted on May 2, 2019
WELLFLEET — Voters at the annual town election Monday approved 10 spending proposals, including $7.5 million for harbor dredging and $2 million to buy more than 200 acres of tidal flats and a 1-mile beach off Indian Neck.
All 10 proposals — allowing the town to exceed property tax limits set by state law — were approved at the April 22 annual town meeting as well.
Question 12, for harbor dredging, was approved 680-87 to pay the town’s share of upcoming dredging of state and local areas in the harbor, as a debt exclusion, with a property tax increase in the first year of $205.57 for the owner of single-family property assessed at $538,524 — the median value in town.
Question 13, for the tidal flats and beach purchase, was approved 485-277 to allow borrowing through a debt exclusion. The $2 million price tag is expected to drop to $1 million with an anonymous donation to the town, according to Town Administrator Daniel Hoort. The increase in property taxes for the median value single-family home for the $1 million expense in the first fiscal year is around $23, according to Hoort.
In the one contested race, for a five-year seat on the Housing Authority, incumbent Richard Ciotti beat Autumn Heather Edwards, 427-202.
“I’m a little bit surprised and disappointed,” Town Clerk Joseph Powers said of the 27 percent voter turnout. Of the town’s 2,870 registered voters, 773 cast votes, including 50 absentee ballots, Powers said.
Question 2 — a permanent tax override to create a new full-time firefighter position for $79,000 a year — was approved 526-234. To pay for it the owner of the median value property will see an increase in taxes of $19.39 in the first year, according to town records.
Question 3, to buy a used ladder truck for the Fire Department for $285,000 to replace an existing one, passed as a debt exclusion, 505-248. The related increase in property taxes for the median property is $10.14 in the first year.
Question 4, to approve the purchase of a $265,000 street sweeper to replace an existing one as a debt exclusion, was approved 405-343, adding $9.43 in taxes for the median value property in the first year.
Voters approved Question 5 as a debt exclusion, 409-337, to buy a $220,000 front-end loader to replace an existing one with a corresponding property tax increase in the first year of $7.83.
Question 6 was passed, 473-280, to buy a $75,000 refuse and recycling trailer for the transfer station, as a debt exclusion, with a property tax increase in the first year of $2.67.
As part of an ongoing replacement procedure for police cruisers, Question 7 was approved, 433-325, to buy a cruiser for $40,000, as a debt exclusion, with a property tax increase in the first year of $2.41.
In Question 8, the vote was 478-279 to use $50,000 for buildings and grounds improvements at Town Hall and the library, as a debt exclusion, with a property tax increase in the first year of $3.01.
To complement an existing preschool voucher program for 4-year-old children, voters approved Question 9, 576-192, to pay $100,000 annually as an override for a similar program for 3-year-olds, with a property tax increase in the first year of $24.55.
In Question 1, an administrative matter, voters approved several changes to the charter that were approved in 2018 at the annual town meeting, including renaming the Board of Selectmen to Select Board. The vote was 537-185.
Question 10 was not approved at the annual town meeting, and Question 11 was invalid because of an error in the text.
In the uncontested races, Daniel Silverman was reelected town moderator for one year, and Janet Reinhart and Michael DeVasto now hold seats on the Select Board for three years. Elizabeth Pontius was reelected for three years to the Wellfleet Elementary School Committee. Board of Library Trustees members John Morrissey and Dian Reynolds were reelected for three years. Cemetery Commission member Bonnie Robicheau was reelected for three years, and constables Michael Parlante and Richard Robicheau were both reelected for three years.