Posted on May 22, 2019
The Board of the Eastern Chapter of the Western Dredging Association (WEDA) is seeking abstracts for technical presentations for its fall 2019 conference, October 16 to 19, at the Hotel Dupont in Wilmington, Delaware.
This year’s topic is “Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials.” The board is encouraging presentations that focus on the beneficial use of dredged materials including beach restoration, marshland restoration, engineering with nature, coastal resiliency, and inland applications including flood protection and prevention. Presentations should be on projects that were completed in the last two years and were performed along the eastern coast of the U.S. Presentations that focus on self-promotion, specific products or corporate marketing will be not be accepted. The presenter will be allowed to have a corporate logo on the slides. The presentation should be 20 minutes with time for questions.
Abstracts must be submitted in English and cannot exceed one standard-size page (8.5 inches x11 inches) of a Microsoft Word® document with 1-inch left/right/top/bottom margins. They must be organized under the following required subheadings: background/objectives – the problems, situations and objectives that led to the work intended to be presented; approach/ activities—description of the project scale (e.g., pilot, field) and the scientific principles, technology, or combination of technologies being studied; results/lessons learned – results that can be discussed now and the relevance to the beneficial use of dredged materials.
Abstracts must include the complete contact information for the presenting author and all co-authors and should be forwarded to Steve Miller, program manager, WEDA Eastern Chapter, Ellicott Dredges, LLC, at smiller@dredge.com.
Source: dredgemag.com