Posted on January 7, 2016
By Rhett Morgan, Tulsa World
Unseasonably heavy rainfall that is burdening area dams has affected several local construction projects, including Tulsa’s $350 million park going up along the Arkansas River, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official said.
“As you well know, we’ve been very busy lately,” said Micah Buchholz, a hydraulics engineer with the Corps who is water manager for the upper Arkansas River system. “Since Christmas Day, we’ve received record rainfall, as well as record inflows, as well as record releases out of our dams.”
Buchholz spoke to reporters Monday in front of the dam at Keystone Lake. Recent discharges from Keystone forced the discontinuance of some operations at A Gathering Place for Tulsa, where machinery is in the Arkansas River, scooping out parts of the river bottom to form two “bump outs” for the park.