Posted on March 23, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District is currently involved in the planning phase of a beach emergency repair in the Grand Strand (Myrtle Beach) of Horry County, South Carolina. The Myrtle Beach Project was authorized for construction by Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1990, Public Law 101-640, dated November 28, 1990 (WRDA 90): “MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA. The authorized project requires the construction of separate protective beach in three separate reaches, North Myrtle Beach (Reach 1), Myrtle Beach (Reach 2), and Garden City/Surfside Beach (Reach 3).” The total project reach is 25.3 miles.
Funding is available for Reach 1 North Myrtle Beach. The proposed project is the restoration of a Federal Coastal Storm Damage Reduction project damaged by recent floods and coastal storm. The proposed project restores approximately 3.3 miles of shoreline along North Myrtle Beach. Preliminary investigations of the quantity of sand required to rebuild the construction template reveal that about 362,000 cubic yards of sand from the Little River borrow site will be placed along North Myrtle Beach.
USACE has prepared a Supplemental EA to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA is available for public review from March 17, 2017 until April 17, 2017. The Draft Supplemental EA and the Draft FONSI are available for review. If you have any questions or require additional information at this time, please contact Jesse Helton at (843) 329-8145 or by email at jesse.s.helton@usace.army.mil.
Last year, The Corps prepared an EA with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Reach 3 (Garden City/Surfside) of the Myrtle Beach Storm Damage Reduction Project. The project was anticipated to have been constructed throughout the fall and winter of 2016/2017; however, due to contracting constraints the project construction was postponed. The Corps now intends to issue a contract for the construction of both Reach 1 and 3 and the same time.
Source: SAC