Posted on August 11, 2016
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District will be hosting a public scoping meeting to discuss and seek input on the Western Everglades Restoration Project. Interested individuals, groups and agencies are encouraged to attend the meeting to provide comments and ask questions.
Please note that the meeting is starting earlier than originally advertised. The new start time for the meeting will be as follows:
6:00 PM (ET) – Open House
6:30 PM (ET) – Formal Presentation and Public Comments
John Boy Auditorium, 1200 South W.C. Owen Avenue, Clewiston, Florida 33440
The Western Everglades Restoration project is a new planning effort aimed at improving the quality, quantity, timing and distribution of water needed to restore and reconnect the western Everglades ecosystem.
Comments are currently being accepted on the project through August 24, 2016, and can be sent electronically to: Western.Everglades@usace.army.mil or mailed to:
Melissa Nasuti
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019
This public meeting is being held in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with the sole purpose of soliciting input on the project as it enters into its preliminary planning stage. Input received during this meeting will be used in the development of the project’s NEPA report. This report will be included as part of the Project Implementation Report that, once completed and approved, will be submitted to Congress for authorization and appropriations.
Source: USACE