Posted on July 14, 2021
The United States Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District hosted a Tabletop Emergency Exercise for Sutton Dam with local emergency response and management officials in the surrounding area on July 8th in Braxton County, WV.
When held with local emergency management and critical infrastructure personnel, these exercises provide vital feedback that can be utilized to collectively improve emergency procedures.
“Dam safety emergency exercises help District engineers and operational staff practice procedures designed to keep our dams safe as they manage the risk of flooding during large storms,” said Mike Stickler, USACE Huntington Dam Safety Team Lead. “Additionally, risk communication and incident response planning between the Corps and downstream officials is strengthened.”
USACE routinely holds emergency tabletop exercises like these in order to improve their emergency action plan in the event an emergency would happen at one of their project sites.
“The greatest benefit from this particular exercise was the improvement of flood risk management and emergency response for people living along the Elk River from Sutton to Charleston, WV,” said Stickler.
For more information about the USACE Huntington District, visit our website at https://www.lrh.usace.army.mil/.