Posted on October 26, 2022
The US Army Corps of Engineers awarded Pacific Dredge & Construction, LLC. (PDC) the Napa River Maintenance Dredging project. The project’s goal is to return the river to its original navigational depths, allowing boats to transit entirely throughout the river.
To perform this project, Pacific Dredge & Construction, LLC. is using our smaller rig, “Horton,” in conjunction with our 300 cu yds scows Thing 1 and Thing 2, along with our In-Harbor tugboat Cadet. The dredged material is taken by scows to be offloaded at a temporary disposal site. A subcontractor was hired to perform the upland offloading portion of the project with an E-Crane barge and earth-moving equipment. The County of Napa offered a disposal site for offloading dredged materials and hired a subcontractor to off-haul sediments to their destination. The river is also divided into three Reaches 1,2, and 3. The working hours vary at each Reach as the project is conscious of the proximity to commercial & residential properties to minimize disturbance to all of them.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, the County of Napa, and Pacific Dredge and Construction, LLC. are working together on a project that will ultimately benefit the community and neighbors of the City of Napa.