Posted on July 18, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking public comment on its final Environmental Impact Statement for the Souris River flood protection program in North Dakota.
The EIS posted Thursday includes the project’s overview and focuses on the phases through Minot ready to begin construction, the Minot Daily News (http://bit.ly/2uhEgqK ) reported. The Souris River Joint Water Resources Board is proposing to alter Minot’s current flood reduction project by constructing new levees and flood walls. The plan would require groundwater pumped out for temporary dewatering during construction and discharged to the Souris River.
The EIS found no effects on geologic or groundwater resources with the flood plan. However, there would be localized physical disturbances caused by construction activities, temporary effects on 36 acres of wetlands and permanent effects on 21 acres of wetlands that would be mitigated. The project is also expected to temporarily or permanently affect vegetation and wildlife and fish habitat.
The EIS is one part of the information needed for the Corps’ consideration of a Section 408 permit for the flood protection construction. The permit is one of the major components for the project to continue.
The statement is online and at Minot’s libraries. Public review and comment for the statement will end in August.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle