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US Agency for Intl Development (AID) Delivers Dredge to Turkmenistan

Posted on July 16, 2020

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Smart Waters program, implemented by Central Asia Regional Environmental Center (CAREC), in cooperation with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) has handed over a $170,000 USD dredger to the State Committee on Water Management in Tashkopri, the south-east settlement of Mary province, Turkmenistan.

The dredger purchased by USAID will be used by Mary province water management authorities to clean up the Murgap river. It will help prevent flooding in the densely populated Mary province. It will also help prevent mud deposits in the Mary province’s water reservoir.

Addressing the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Water Committee, Hiakimlik of Mary Province, and the people of Mary, Ambassador Klimow highlighted the Government of Turkmenistan’s successful adoption of a new Water Code that facilitated the implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management, a holistic approach to water management including considerations of environmental and economic development impact. This approach encourages the participation of people from local communities in implementing water management solutions. In his remarks, Ambassador Klimow highlighted that the dredger will contribute to the efficient management of water that will benefit over a million people residing in Mary province.

The USAID-funded Smart Waters project is a five-year program designed to help the five countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan deepen their technical skills in water management, facilitate community dialogue at transboundary rivers, and build a cadre of professionals, capable of managing shared water resources.

USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. For more information visit: and USAID’s Facebook page: is external).

DredgeWire was unable to identify the identity of the Dredge supplier or its nationality, but it is believed not to be American.

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