Posted on December 7, 2015
According to the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority”, dredging fleet of the contractor started works over the 7th sweep of Dnieper-Bug estuary channel in accordance with the agreement concluded between the State Enterprise “USPA” represented by the branch “Delta-pilot” and SE “Ukrvodshliakh” (state enterprise of the Ministry of Infrastructure administration). Operational dredging is performed to ensure the safety of navigation and announced depth maintenance. The works are accompanied by obligatory environmental monitoring, the performer is SE “Chernomorniiproekt.”
UkrAgroConsult notes that the beginning of dredging works on the Dnieper-Bug estuary channel is especially important for grain and oilseed sectors of the country, as Nikolayev region is a home to many large port facilities for handling grain and vegetable oil for export.