Posted on June 30, 2016
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking public comment on a permit application from the Port of Garibaldi to perform maintenance dredging in a section of Tillamook Bay to maintain operational depth in the Garibaldi boat basin at Mooring Drive and Biak Avenue.
According to the Corps, the project would involve using a hydraulic suction pipeline dredge to remove a total area of 7.9 acres and 24,000 cubic yards of sediment the first year and 11,000 cubic yards in each subsequent year as needed for 10 years.
The Corps will accept public comments on the application through July 20.
Learn more about proposed project details as well as how to submit comments by viewing and/or downloading the below document:
See project drawings below:
Established in 1910, the Port of Garibaldi includes the boat basin as well as waterfront property leased to a number of businesses representing commercial fishing and seafood, lumber, lodging, recreational sports and other industries.
Source: Tillamook County Pioneer