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Two Belgian ports cyberattacked by pro-Russians

Two Belgian ports cyberattacked by pro-Russians © Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Posted on October 9, 2024

Days go by and nothing has changed. After its attack on Monday, the pro-Russian collective NoName057 continues to try to hack official Belgian websites. This time, it has also targeted port websites.

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) indicates that DDoS attacks against Belgium resumed on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. On Monday, several websites of municipal and provincial authorities had already been partially hacked, some of which temporarily shut down. The Russian and pro-Russian collective NoName057 targeted the websites of the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge on Tuesday.

No data theft

The cities of Rhode-Saint-Genèse and Linkebeek in the Brussels suburbs were also affected on Tuesday. The CCB indicates that these attacks are not very dangerous in themselves. The only consequence is the temporary shut down of the targeted sites is due to the overload of requests. Pro-Russian pirates criticize Belgium for its support to Ukraine and want to disrupt the elections of October 13.


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