Posted on June 14, 2016
By Jamie Gentry, Navarre Press
Dredging for the Navarre Beach nourishment project came to a halt Monday night, June 6 as Tropical Storm Colin caused rough waters out in the Gulf of Mexico.
The project’s two dredges had to stop work and seek shelter in Pensacola Bay.
On shore, the storm has caused some flooding on the lower beach berm.
Santa Rosa County Engineer Roger Blaylock said in an email that although the water is high now, it should return to its normal level.
“After water levels and tides return to normal conditions, the wide beach berm is expected to mostly recover,” Blaylock said. “Beach conditions during Tropical Storm Colin event are consistent with the 2006 renourishment project’s performance during similar events.”
Blaylock explained that storms and tides have a similar, natural effect on beach shapes, causing a temporary flooding that eventual recedes with the end of the storm.
“The shoreline will continue to shrink and grow in this fashion with each tide cycle and storm event,” Blaylock said.
Source: Navarre Press