Posted on January 4, 2016
By Columb Higgins, ShoreNewsToday
Upper Township officials said last week that they are awaiting word from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a decision to pump additional sand onto beaches in Strathmere after substantial erosion during the October northeaster.
The storm brought high winds and tides through much of the Oct. 2-4 weekend. Barrier islands saw 2 to 3 feet of water flood in from the bay, and ocean waves averaged 6 to 10 feet. At high tide in Strathmere, the ocean reached the dunes with no beach visible. At low tide, small lakes were left behind in the middle of the beach as the water receded.
Township engineer Paul Dietrich said Strathmere beaches lost about 380,000 cubic yards of sand during the northeaster. About 100 to 120 feet of beach berm were lost, he said.