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Towns back to work on Nauset Inlet dredging

Fishing boats anchor near the inlet at Nauset Marsh, where low tide prevents access due to the silted-in condition of the channel. [JOHN TUNNEY PHOTO]

Posted on July 29, 2020

EASTHAM — Still waters run deep, but the Nauset Estuary isn’t deep enough anymore.

Eastham and Orleans are back at work, figuring out how, when and where to dredge the vital access route to the Atlantic.

The Nauset Estuary Stakeholder’s Group was organized last winter to tackle a dredge design plan, but before it could have its first full meeting the project was shoaled in by the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier this month it held its first meeting and now is gathering biweekly to make up for lost time. Meanwhile, some studies have advanced behind the scenes.

The two towns have been trying to reach accord on dredging parts of the silted-in estuary, specifically the channels from Nauset Harbor and Town Cove to the inlet.

In recent years the channels and the inlet have become too shallow for boats to navigate safely except at high tide. Fishing and recreational boating are big economic drivers in both towns and both industries have been affected by the limited transit times.

Finally the stakeholder group, comprised of community members, has begun to coalesce around a plan.

“The goal is to decide the future of the dredging project, if there will be a project and what are the components,” explained Woods Hole Group consultant Leslie Fields, who presided over the first meeting; the group members were poised to select a chairman.

The panel wants the towns to request a Special Review Procedure from both the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act office (MEPA) and National Environmental Policy Act office (NEPA) so that the project reviews can be done in sync to save time during what will be a complicated permitting process.

Red tide study

One of the issues has been the relocation of dredge spoils that would likely contain red tide cysts.

The preliminary results are in from the red tide cysts study by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Portions of the Nauset Estuary are closed each summer due to outbreaks of toxic red tide. There is concern that dredging the channel will transfer the red tide elsewhere, depending on where the dredge spoils are deposited. The plan is to use most of the spoils to shore up the dunes north of the Nauset Beach parking lot.

The study looked at three ways the red tide cysts might be killed off: dewatering (dehydration); freezing temperatures and finally the loss of salinity.

Three hundred dredge samples with cysts were collected in December and put into fine mesh bags and buried in a dune at one foot and five foot depths. They were removed weekly and tested for cyst viability, temperature, salinity and water content.

Initially most cysts remained viable but after week 15, as the study rolled into April and May, about 70 percent were no longer viable and by the end of May they were all dead. It was a warm winter and the temperatures in the sand never fell below freezing, so that didn’t kill them off. Freshwater in the form of rain washed out the salt and that, combined with dehydration, did in the cysts.

“This is a good result,” Fields said. “But it indicates we should be testing for red tide cysts before using (the spoils). They did tests in the lab and they did die with freezing temperatures.”

Fields said that if the dredge spoils are stored north of Nauset Beach they’ll have to be worked over by equipment to facilitate freshwater penetration and drying. So it will be mechanical activity there, and the time for that could be limited by shorebird nesting. That could stretch the dewatering process out for a year. The dredging window itself is limited to October into January due to fin fish activity.

The area north of the parking lot can handle 80,000 cubic yards of spoils. The proposed project would remove at least 137,730 cubic yards and if the channel behind the barrier beach is expanded to 100 feet from 50 feet, as all the fishermen on the NESG urged, even more sand would be removed.

Fisherman Steve Smith suggested excess sand could be sold to contractors (“The sand is worth something”) but otherwise alternative storage locations need to be found. Fields said the dredging could be done in phases to make spoils easier to handle.

“A 120,000 cubic yard project in a year isn’t feasible,” she said. “So phases are something you should consider.”

Shana Brogan, Eastham’s conservation agent, suggested the group should draw up a detailed spoils management plan as part of the regulatory process.

Mill Pond

While a channel to Mill Pond in Orleans isn’t formally part of the plan, a phase one study looked at it. Mill Pond is a hot bed of cysts but there is an old rise associated with a mill that was once at the entrance and it acts as a dam, preventing cysts from washing out into the estuary. A dredge could break through that and enable the spread of red tide.

Charles Carlson of the Orleans Dredge Advisory Committee said the area that needs dredging is not the pond entrance, and some of the fishermen thought dredging the pond entrance would improve water quality within the pond.

“The group will have to make a decision on whether to include that in the [project] footprint,” Fields said.

Mill Pond is entirely within Orleans.

“You have a proposal before Orleans for $35,000 for a phase two Mill Pond study so Orleans needs to wrestle with the Mill Pond issue not the NESG,” Carlson said.

How wide?

At the early July meeting the group favored Dredge Alternative 1A, which would dredge from the inlet entrance back to Town Cove with a spur to Priscilla Landing, in Nauset Harbor.

The channel behind the barrier beach contains 102,500 cubic yards of the 137,730 to be dredged – more if it is widened to 100 yards. There are fewer cysts there, which is good, and it is pure sand, not silt like the spur to Priscilla Landing, which means it can be used for beach enhancement.

Due to permitting concerns raised at a meeting with regulators in January of 2019 there was a suggestion to reduce the channel width behind the beach to 50 feet but the fishermen were strongly opposed.

“The last two years I’ve been fishing out of harbors that have been dredged in Chatham and Sesuit (in Dennis),” Bil Amaru said. “They were dredged to their full width (at least 100 feet wide) and in each case started to fill in again. That additional width is critical for keeping open the channel and the economic viability of the whole project. The additional 25 feet on either side is so minimal.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” said Nate Sears, Orleans harbormaster. “With the costs of mobilization and the challenges of permitting to see all that work done and last for only a year would be really regretfull.”

“I agree also,” said John Granlund. “Get permits for all 100 feet and get in there and dredge it and get as close as you can.”

Eastham’s Brogan disagreed.

“I think you have to start somewhere. Given all the impacts being evaluated, especially shellfish habitat, and our taking out a number of acres of shellfish habitat we have to compensate for that.”

Fields said she thought the channel would silt in just as quickly at 100 feet as at 50 feet due to the L-shape of the entrance. But most of the group still favored a wider channel. The towns can ask for a 100 foot dredge zone and not necessarily dredge all of that inside, depending on the topography, and that’s what Fields put into her notes.

“We were looking at a comprehensive permit that allows us to add on things we need to address over a 10 year period,” Select Board member Mark Mathison of Orleans said. “We could spot dredge here and there. If we get into this it is a forever project. That’s why Orleans was looking at buying their own dredge because every year you’re doing a little bit. That’s why it would make sense to go for a 100 foot channel without saying how we’re going to use it.”


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