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Town Council Starts Process of Borrowing Funds To Pay For Dredging of Raw Water Reservoir

Posted on March 4, 2019

Nanton Town council carried first reading of a bylaw to borrow up to $1.25 million to dredge the raw water reservoir Nanton News file photo

Nanton Town council took the first step last week in the process of borrowing up to $1.25 million to pay for the dredging of the raw water reservoir.

Council approved first reading Feb. 19 of a borrowing bylaw for the dredging, which has never been completed since the reservoir was installed in 1985.

The Town does not anticipate the full $1.25 million would be the maximum required for the project, hoping that the cost will be significantly less than that, said Neil Smith, the Town’s chief administrative officer.

“Administration has confidence that we will not require this full amount; however, we want to have in place the worst case for our borrowing bylaw in case we require it,” wrote Smith in a report.

But during an interview, Smith did raise the possibility that the Town could use leftover funds on other projects identified in a 2016 taste and odour study.

The bylaw states that the interest rate will not exceed six per cent, but the interest rate is not expected to be “anywhere near” six per cent by the time the debenture is issued, wrote Smith.

But, by law, a maximum interest rate must be included in the bylaw, he wrote. The exact interest rate would be determined at the time of borrowing.

As of Feb. 15, the Alberta Capital Finance Authority’s interest rate sits at 3.173 per cent for borrowing funds over 25 years.

Borrowing over 25 years has been proposed to have the least impact on the Town’s budget, wrote Smith.

If the full $1.25 million was needed, the Town’s annual payment for the loan at 3.256 per cent – the interest rate when Smith wrote his report – would be $73,465. For the average household, that would mean an increase of roughly $62 per household in annual taxes, he wrote. Smith notes that a shorter term would mean a slightly lower interest rate but a higher annual payment.

Now that council has carried first reading, the bylaw is being advertised in the News for two weeks, in the Feb. 27 and March 6 editions. The proposed schedule would have the bylaw back before council on April 1 for second and third readings, after which there’s a 30-day appeal period to declare the bylaw invalid, through an application to the courts.

If all goes according to schedule, May 1 would be the first day when a debenture could be issue, wrote Smith.

Mayor Jennifer Handley said council had to proceed with the dredging of the raw water reservoir.

“It’s never an ideal situation to have to take on a debenture, but it is a necessity,” she said during an interview.

Handley said the raw water reservoir is 60 per cent sludge, with the reservoir only being able to be 40 per cent filled up.

In her February message to residents, the mayor wrote that the sludge is normal, resulting from the pumping from Mosquito Creek – Nanton’s primary source of water – and accumulation over the last 34 years.

Alberta Environment recommends the Town dredge the reservoir every five to six years, she wrote.

The provincial department and the Town of Nanton’s engineers have both recommended the dredging of the raw water reservoir to help with taste and odour issues, but the dredging will primarily allow the Town to store more water and enable the municipality to mix the Mosquito Creek water with another source of water, a shared spring line that originates west of town, wrote Handley.

The Town has to fund project itself, said the mayor, pointing out that there are currently no grants available for capital maintenance projects.

Handley does note in her message to residents that the Town of Nanton received a grant to conduct a regional water distribution study with Claresholm, Fort Macleod, Stavely and the Municipal District of Willow Creek.


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