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Town Council Approves $490,000 Maintenance Dredging of Barnstable Harbor

Posted on October 21, 2015

By Laura M. Reckford,

With severe storms in recent years, Barnstable Harbor has experienced such extensive shoaling that officials believe one more similar winter will result in the channel being blocked to large vessels entirely.

The Barnstable Town Council last week approved $490,000 for phase one of a project to dredge the outer channel of the harbor. That project would begin this fall using the county dredge, and the 8,000 cubic yards of sand dredged would be deposited on Sandy Neck.

Phase two, according to Barnstable Department of Public Works Director Daniel Santos, would take place next fall. That phase, to dredge the inner harbor, still needs permitting and would require a different dredging technique and different disposal, he said.


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