Posted on April 4, 2016
By Niem Chheng, The Phnom Penh Post
In order to aid waterway transport, sand-dredging – largely banned since a 2011 decree – will soon begin reappearing at dozens of locations along the Tonle Bassac river, a spokesman from the Ministry of Mines and Energy confirmed yesterday.
According to Meng Saktheara, at the behest of local authorities and the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, the government has identified some 30 to 40 spots stretching from the southeastern outskirts of Phnom Penh all the way to the Vietnamese border that require dredging to ease transport along the river.
“Therefore, the ministry plans to arrange the sand-dredging in the areas that need to be deepened,” he said, adding it would begin before Khmer New Year in April.