Posted on July 27, 2017
By Ethan Genter, Cape Cod Times
The Tisbury harbormaster is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to dredge in the Vineyard Sound and Lake Tashmoo inlet channel in order to use the sand for beach nourishment.
The town hopes to dredge 25,000 cubic yards of “sandy material” over 10 years from 5.1 acres of subtidal habitat in the channel and put it above and below the high-tide line on the adjacent town beach, according to a statement from the Corps. The dredging is proposed to take 5,000 cubic yards every other year.
The town has also proposed to dredge about 500 cubic yards near the Lake Street town landing over 10 years for beach nourishment.
“These activities have been previously authorized for both dredging and disposal for beach nourishment, and therefore no mitigation is proposed,” the Corps wrote.
Public comment on the proposal can be sent to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Regulatory Division (Attn: Joshua Helms), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 or by email at joshua.m.helms@usace.army.mil.
Source: Cape Cod Times