Posted on March 13, 2017
Rosmorport says the Kronshlot, new dredging ship of its North-West Basin Branch, started dredging operations at the port of Kaliningrad in early March 2017.
According to the schedule, the ship is to dredge 350,000 cbm of material this year.
Maintenance dredging will be performed along the entire seaway canal of Kaliningrad from point 222 to the double level bridge including the berths and the harbours of Kaliningrad seaport.
First of all, the Kronshlot will operate between points 290 and 320, the area with the highest sediment accumulation.
The dredged material will be pumped ashore at point 339 of the canal.
The Kronshlot was built by Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard (Nizhny Novgorod) in 2016.
Vessel particulars: LOA – 62,6 m; Beam – 14 m; Draft – 4,25 m; Hopper capacity – 1000 m3.
Class notation: KM(*) Ice1 R1 AUT2 Hopper Dredger.
The TSHD 1000 series vessels are able to dredge to a depth of 20 meters and operate at water temperatures -2 ° C to + 20 ° C.
Source: PortNews