Posted on May 27, 2019
The Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway reopens after workers for the Army Corps of Engineers opened a temporary channel in Aberdeen.
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clear and open for use again, this after heavy rains and storms flooded the channels and caused the waterway to shutdown. wtva’s nicole dantzler joins us live to tell us what this means for businesses now.. that’s right the tenn-tom waterway is back open after the army corps of engineers worked several weeks to get traffic flowing again. even though its open for business, the waterway still has a ways to go before it returns back to normal. “we’ve still got some issues that we have to address particularly some narrow spots that have to dredged out by the corp of engineers.” mitch mays- administrator for tenn-tom waterway port authority rt-0:07 mitch mays with the tenn tom waterway port authority says the waterway is now open but only to commercial and recreational traffic. now businesses and companies can ship their cargo and materials again . this comes after severe weather in november, february and april which caused water levels to rise. the strong currents brought debris down the river and once it receded it left sediment, forming a sand bar and blocking the channels. aberdeen got the worst of it. “many people who have been using and been around the waterway for almost 50 years and no one can recall an event like this happening.” mitch mays-administrator rt-0:10 while the waterway was shutdown, several businesses were affected. ((bridge)) mitch mays tell me tronox a mining company here in hamilton, was one of the businesses negatively impacted by the closing of the tenn tom waterway. he says they had to pay extra in shipping costs and find another way to move their cargo and other materials.” not only did businesses pay extra money and find other methods, some were also delayed until the waterway reopened. justin murphree with the army corps of engineers says it also affected businesses here in columbus. on a local and national level. “the towing companies and the companies that own the tow boats are all across the nation.” justin murphree-operations project manager rt-0:06 the army corps of engineers worked to
Source: wtva.com