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Tender for Dredging Scheduled for 27 Jan, says Reddy

Posted on January 30, 2018

By Shayal Devi, The Fiji Times ONLINE

A TENDER is expected to be advertised Saturday 27 January seeking a contractor to dredge the Penang River.

Speaking at a public consultation in Rakiraki yesterday, Minister for Waterways Dr Mahendra Reddy said they were looking at a comprehensive package — a three-year program for Rakiraki.

“Immediately what we want is — this Saturday there is a tender out in the papers for dredging of the Penang River,” he said.

“That will happen in one and a half months and that particular project will begin.”

He said the establishment of the ministry demonstrated Government’s commitment to ensure a long term strategy recognising the importance of waterways in Fiji’s growth and development.

“Up until now, we haven’t really had a national level of discourse on the importance of waterways. We’ve always taken for granted that waterways are there, but I think it’s time now to start a national level discourse.

“What are our commitments to protecting our waterways to ensure that Fijians are also guaranteed a secure source of water in the future but that’s a broader agenda.

“We will be developing a national waterways policy and strategic document that will lead to the development of specific waterways legislation.”

Source: The Fiji Times ONLINE

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