Posted on December 14, 2015
Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter and Central Coast, Scot MacDonald MLC said today maintenance dredging work is due to commence next week to reduce the size of a sand shoal that reformed in the navigation channel near the southern entrance to Swan Bay at the Swansea Channel.
“Removing sand from the shoal will take about a week and should improve boating access prior to and during the busy Christmas holiday period,” Mr MacDonald said.
“The NSW Government has engaged local contractor Hunter Wharf and Barge to conduct the work.”
“The removal of the sand is planned for mid-December to ensure a wide range of vessels can access the waterway over the holiday season,” Mr MacDonald said.
The NSW Government is also conducting a sand tracing study of Swansea Channel to help gain a better understanding of sand movement between the bridge and drop-over into Lake Macquarie.
“Swansea Channel is highly dynamic and this information will be used to develop future sand management strategies for maintaining a navigable channel,” Mr MacDonald said.
“The large-scale project completed earlier this year was successful but the strategy report for Swansea Channel noted that ongoing maintenance would be necessary due to the dynamic nature of sand movement.”
“The NSW Government is working Lake Macquarie City Council to maintain boating access in the channel,” Mr MacDonald said