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Surf City Working to Rebuild Beach Areas Hit Hardest by Hurricane

Posted on February 8, 2019

SURF CITY, NC (WECT) – The Town of Surf City has teamed up with TI Coastal Services to assess locations along the dune systems hit hardest by Hurricane Florence.

TI Coastal identified these areas as critical zones along the coastline in the highest need of beach nourishment.

Surf City has these locations listed on its website under the community section titled Beach Nourishment. In these maps, the critical zones are labeled in green along the coastline. Lots that are not highlighted in the critical zone can still get sand and beach nourishment, but it would cost the property owner out of pocket.

After Florence hit the area, the town began working with FEMA to get the restoration, but then realized the process for funding was going to take too long for the entire town.

TI Coastal then held a public information meeting and presentation to the town, which in return said to find the hardest hit areas. The town gave TI Coastal a budget of $5 million to decide which areas need the most sand.

“If we go into FEMA reimbursing, then FEMA would reimburse that $5 million (and) we could get another $5 million, etc., etc.,” said Chris Gibson, president of TI Coastal. “But what we’re saying is, ‘Folks, if you’re in one of these areas, and you have the ability to invest and if you want to extend one of our green areas a little longer and pay for that yourself, we welcome you to do that. and to commit to the town to do that.’”

Estimates for cost of the sand are:

  • Lot size 50 feet. $28,000
  • Lot size 75 feet, $42,000
  • Lot size 100 feet, $56,000

Property owners who plan to purchase sand must let the town know by emailing no later than Feb. 11 at noon.

Payment is due Feb. 28 and dune replacement is expected to begin no later than mid-March.

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