Posted on October 11, 2016
The sunken dredge that was blocking the Mazaruni River for six weeks has finally been shifted enough to allow the free flow of boats.
It was reported yesterday to Stabroek News that the sunken dredge that has been plaguing the lives of boat operators, miners and residents had finally been moved from the channel after sinking in July.
Miner, Ralph Persaud, pointed out that the persons working on the boat were able to move it, clearing some 89% of the channel in the process. However, the large rusty giant is still in the river as the professional salvager that was hired by Crown Mining Supplies continues to navigate it away to a safer location.
Another miner from the area also confirmed that since Saturday the channel was easier to navigate with the sunken vessel being out of the way.
When the dredge was blocking the channel for 43 days, miners and residents could not get down to Bartica and other areas to restock on goods.
A few weeks ago it was announced that the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) and Crown Mining would have been intensifying efforts to remove the dredge. The company had met with MARAD to discuss possible solutions and MARAD had stated that over the past few weeks the company had been trying assiduously to reclaim the dredge from its current position.
However, because of the high tide and the location, it said it was difficult to access and the salvage operation would require special equipment.
When Stabroek News spoke with Harbour Master Michael Tennant a few days ago he had said that the company was currently “engaging the attention of a certified salvager” and had been at the site assessing the situation.
The government, MARAD and Crown Mining had come under intense pressure to move the dredge as even medical supplies to riverain communities was affected.
Government on October 1st instructed that the sunken river dredge be removed immediately, even if it meant destroying it.
Minister of Infrastructure David Patterson had told Stabroek News that MARAD had been instructed to remove the dredge by whatever means necessary in order to have the waterway cleared.
Source: Stabroek News