Posted on July 20, 2017
By Ian Thompson, Daily Republic
Boat owners can expect to see the Suisun City harbor and Whispering Bay get dredged in fall 2018, the City Council was told Tuesday night.
The city had initially hoped to start the dredging this fall, but work to prepare Pierce Island to receive dredging spoils from the project pushed the dredging back a year.
“We are only going to be able to rehabilitate the levee this year,” Public Works Department Director Tim McSorley told the council.
The work involves raising the perimeter levees at Pierce Island to give the island the additional needed capacity for dredging spoils. Once the levees are raised, the city expects to be able to dump the spoils of two to three more dredgings there.
The city has already submitted an application with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to deal with the endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse that may live on Pierce Island.
This would involve herding the mice, if they are there, away from the work areas, the bemused council was told.
Suisun City started the process in January by approving a contract with a Long Beach-based engineering firm to start the planning that’s necessary to dredge the Suisun Marina.
The dredging will cover the marina channel and Whispering Bay. This area was last dredged in 2008.
McSorley said there is enough depth in the channels to allow boaters to use the area until the dredging. Any boaters who find their boat dock areas too silted in will be offered access to slips in the marina.
The marina was last dredged in 2008. Moffatt & Nichol was used the last time the harbor was dredged. Current plans to prepare for dredging the marina were pushed back a year to 2017.
Source: Daily republic