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Sturgeon Point Marina to reopen after West Herr pays for sand dredging

Dredging is to start Monday at Sturgeon Point Marina to make it passable for boats. . John Hickey / Buffalo News

Posted on May 27, 2021

Dredging at Sturgeon Point Marina will start Tuesday to move tons of sand that poured into the mouth of the marina during winter storms.

West Herr Automotive Group on Monday presented to the Town of Evans a check for $162,000 to cover the cost of the dredging, which will ensure the marina will open in June.

Winter storms swept in about 28,000 cubic yards of sand, blocking the mouth of the popular spot for recreational boaters and fishermen and a vital safe harbor for boats during storms.

“The Sturgeon Point Marina is a great regional asset, and a place for families to come together to take advantage of water sports,” West Herr President Scott Bieler said in a statement. “When we heard there were some challenges to opening this year, we felt this was an opportunity to show our appreciation for Western New Yorkers.”

The marina opening had been in jeopardy for a second consecutive year because the town had failed to come up with a plan or the money to remove the estimated 28,000 cubic feet of sand blocking the marina entrance. The town’s engineer estimated the cost at more than $300,000.

The marina is still suffering the effects of two storms in 2018 and 2019, which opened a hole in the breakwall where sand pours through. The Covid-19 pandemic slowed the process of seeking financial assistance for the repairs through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Last year, three groups – Local 17 of the Operating Engineers, Union Concrete Construction and Spoth Enterprises – teamed up to dredge the marina at no cost to the town.

There was an offer from several members of the group this year to dredge for $1 below the cost at which work must be put out to bid. But Supervisor Mary Hosler said the town should solicit bids for the work.

The bids, which were opened Friday, ranged from $162,621 to $179,210 to $398,400. The Town Board awarded the job to the low bidder, Union Concrete Construction.

Hosler said Bieler offered to help out the town with dredging this year after learning that the marina was in danger of not opening. The two connected after the bids came out, and Bieler offered to give the town $162,000, she said.

Hosler said it was the perfect opportunity for the regional car dealership to support a regional asset.

It will take about 10 days to complete the dredging, Hosler said, adding that dredging will get the boat launch open, but the town does not plan to rent out slips. One set of docks will be out of commission when some repairs are made to storm damage this summer, and the dredging will not take place in the slip area, she said.

“As of right now, we’re not looking at doing the slips, but we are looking at doing dry docks,” Hosler said.

Town Councilman Michael R. Schraft, who had been pushing for the town to dredge, said he is delighted the marina will open. He said last year the town rented 130 of the 210 slips.

“I’m in favor or opening it up for the slip holders,” he said. “Seventy-five percent of our revenue is from the slips.”


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