Posted on January 24, 2017
The Borough of Stone Harbor is pleased to announce that a contract has been awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, which will use the dredge “Texas” to perform this nourishment.
On Tues. Jan. 10, 2017 a pre-construction conference was held to summarize the project, introduce personnel administering the project and discuss anticipated construction issues before project begins. In attendance were representatives from USACE, Prime Contractor – Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, NJDEP, Avalon and Stone Harbor.
Mobilization for the beach fill project has begun in Stone Harbor, and the beach fill project is expected to take about four weeks to complete. Following the Stone Harbor project, the hydraulic pumping of sand from Townsend’s Inlet onto the Avalon beaches will begin.
Stone Harbor is scheduled to receive 210,000 cubic yards of beach fill along the Atlantic Coast shorefront. Pre-placement condition surveys will determine the exact location and quantity of beach fill material required within the limits indicated and will be a determining factor in the award of options for additional quantities of beach fill.
The Borough has selected to authorize an additional 180,000 cubic yards at our own expense.
The base bid work includes, in addition to beach fill, re-construction of soil aggregate handicap, pedestrian, and vehicle crossovers; installation of split rail fence; repair of timber handicap dune crossovers; sand fence installation; and planting of dune grass.
The contractor may work 24 hours per day, seven days per week to complete the contract work. However the Contractor shall be required to comply with local codes regarding noise at all times during the contract period.
The first weekly progress meeting was held Thurs., Jan. 19, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the Stone Harbor Fire House. At this meeting Stone Harbor was advised that the Mobilization of equipment has begun and pipe has been laid on the 117t h. Street Beach. The 123rd Street Parking lot will be used as the staging area for this project. They will first pump to the North then finish south of 117th Street. Due to weather concerns Great Lakes anticipates dredging to begin on Jan. 27, 2017 from the Hereford Inlet Borrow Area.
Weekly progress meetings on this project will be held with Borough officials and updates will be provided as they become available.
Source: Cape May County