Posted on July 17, 2018
Research released by the Soy Transportation Coalition shows that if the lower Mississippi River were dredged from 45 feet to 50 feet in depth, farmer profitability would be enhanced. STC Executive Director Mike Steenhoek says the dredging allows for larger ships and more soybeans to be exported because the transportation system is more efficient.
He says the dredging would result in not only lower transportation costs but an improved basis for farmers.
Steenhoek says while Illinois growers would get the most benefits from the dredging with their research showing them receiving $77 million, states further away that depend more on rail like South Dakota will also see significant benefits.
Steenhoek says their research also indicates if the river is dredged that farmers in 31 states will annually receive an additional $ 461 million for their soybeans.
Source: WNAX