Most of Argentina’s foreign trade passes through the Trunk Navigable Route (VNT) formed by the Paraguay/Paraná rivers , which, with a length of more than 3,400 kilometers from its source in Brazil to the Río de la Plata, is one of the longest and most biodiverse river corridors in the world. In its Argentine section, this natural channel… Read More
The long-awaited $25 million Portland Harbor dredging project starts on Monday as contractors begin digging a 9-acre pit in a shallow South Portland cove where seven decades of a working waterfront’s industrial sins will be buried over the next three winters. Cashman Dredging of Massachusetts will use a barge-mounted crane to dig a confined aquatic… Read More
OPP and fire officials discussed ice safety related to this winter’s ice dredging program at the Port of Orillia. “We want to get the message out to everybody – the locals and the visitors – to avoid the Port of Orillia this winter and any of the ice down here,” said Chris Ferry, Orillia’s fire… Read More
NAVARRE, Fla. (WKRG) — Crews have been working around the clock on Navarre Beach, making headway in the beach restoration project. Crews have been pumping in sand from about five miles offshore and distributing it onto the beach. The work has been done in phases from Gulf Islands National Seashore to about 900 ft east… Read More
The Newport Beach City Council may have ended years of back and forth over the disposal of contaminated sediment dredged from Newport Harbor after approving a plan Tuesday to use it for a pier extension project in Long Beach. The move is similar to how the city handled the muck scooped up when the Rhine… Read More