Posted on April 3, 2019
Between 1944 and 2017, the state of Florida spent at least $1.34 billion on beach rebuilding projects.
Put another way, we could have renourished our beaches with dollar bills instead of sand — and the effect would be pretty much the same.
That’s just state money; the feds also have kicked in billions.
And you? Well, if you live in St. Lucie County, prepare to pony up.
Within the next two years, the county needs to come up with $17 million to fund beach restoration projects on Hutchinson Island. One way or another, you’re going to pay, but there is one way to cut costs — if those who live along the beach can stand it.
Fort Pierce Beach needs work, as it does periodically due to erosion from the inlet just to the north.
But being that the inlet is owned by the federal government, the feds are supposed to pay for the work every two years “as funding allows,” said St. Lucie County Coastal Management Services Director Glenn Henderson.
This will be the third time in less than a decade that funding “hasn’t allowed.” So if the beach is to be kept in place, the county must foot the bill — this time, to the tune of about $2.5 million.
And the burden on local taxpayers is only going to grow: “The feds have made it clear they will not pick up as much of the funding going forward,” said Henderson. “The responsibility is being shifted to local agencies.”
Ultimately, that means you.
All this is small potatoes compared to the massive rebuilding project to stretch from Normandy Beach to the Martin County line. The project’s been in the works for years and the price tag had ballooned to more than $22 million; but for a while, it looked like the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would pay most of the tab.
Then a complex misunderstanding over the use of FEMA funds resulted in FEMA pulling its $9.5 million. St. Lucie County now needs to come up with $14.8 million for this project.
So what’s your “fair share” of that? County officials are trying to figure that out.
The county could raise property taxes across the board or levy a special assessment on those who live along the beaches.
“A lot of people think we’re doing this for beachfront owners,” said County Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson. “But it’s about safety, and then you’ve got all the infrastructure” — not to mention tourist dollars that flow into the county because of the beaches, she added.
There is one way to ease the fiscal pain, though it involves beachfront owners giving up something they might not want to surrender:
A letter went out to all the condominiums on the island asking if they’d be willing to provide — or at least accept — public access to their beaches.
In other words, could John Q. Public park his car nearby, traipse over to the beach via a new public path alongside your building and use the beach out in front of your building?
“We sent out letters over a year ago,” said Henderson. “We got one response back.”
Yet agreeing to this could save millions.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers typically pays to maintain beaches both a quarter-mile north and south from the spot where public access is provided.
“So if you had public access every half-mile, the entire beach would be covered,” said Charles Grande, a former county commissioner who now helms the President’s Council, which represents the island’s condo associations.
The feds might then pay up to 65 percent of the project cost — rather than the 35 percent it’s now projected.
Grande said he’s encountered resistance among many property owners, who say, “We don’t want a whole lot of strangers coming through to our beach, and we don’t want that kind of traffic next to our building.”
There’s another way: “There’s a lot of undeveloped land on the west side of A1A,” Grande said. “And a lot of them have existing rights-of-way” to the beach.
If the county could convince those property owners to sell the right-of-way to the county — no harm, no foul. The property owner could still develop, and those living on the site could still access the beach via that path.
So could John Q. Public, and he’d bring lots of federal tax dollars with him.
Commissioner Hutchinson said a public meeting has been set for April 16 for island residents to talk about the issue. Parking’s destined to be an issue; an influx of people on beaches which are technically public but which for all intents and purposes are now private probably will be, too.
“But these beach projects aren’t cheap,” said Hutchinson. “Every little bit helps.”
Gil Smart is a TCPalm columnist and a member of the Editorial Board. His columns reflect his opinion. Readers may reach him at, by phone at 772-223-4741 or via Twitter at @TCPalmGilSmart.