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St. Andrew, St. Joseph Bays given $1.3M for estuary restoration

Living shoreline projects across the Florida Panhandle work to create coastal habitats, reduce shoreline erosion, and provide protection to critical infrastructure.

Posted on December 14, 2022

“This grant award will greatly benefit not only the SASJBEP but our partners across the Panhandle,” said Jessica Graham, SASJBEP director and grant principal investigator, “This is an exciting opportunity to strengthen cooperation among stakeholders and share research with other estuary programs to better understand coastal restoration efforts.”

Florida’s RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence selected the St. Andrew and St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program at FSU Panama City for a minimum $1.3 million dollar grant. The proposal is in efforts to study the success of estuarine restoration efforts and ecosystem efforts from Pensacola to St. Joseph Bay.

Projects like this across the panhandle work to create coastal habitats, reduce shoreline erosion, and provide protection to critical infrastructure. Graham say the grant will compile data and research on these projects to better understand the full range of their value.

For more information about the program, visit


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