Posted on May 2, 2019
Tideworks, a provider of terminal operating (TOS) systems, has announced that the South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) has implemented and gone live with its graphical planning solution.
‘Spinnaker’, which will support planning operations at the Port of Charleston’s Wando Welch and North Charleston terminals, is expected to increase the efficiency of container handling as cargo volumes increase, as well as reducing turn times and enhancing productivity.
This go-live is the first phase of the Port of Charleston project and the second implementation of Tideworks’ TOS solutions within SCPA’s network of terminal facilities, following the introduction of Tideworks’ Intermodal Pro system to Inland Port Dillon.
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As part of the Charleston project’s first phase, all stevedores in the port complex have access to the system’s platform, boosting process visibility.
The second phase of the project will begin later in 2019 and includes the implementation of a range of Tideworks solutions, such as TOS Mainsail, Traffic Control, the Terminal View 3D data visualization system and Tideworks Insight.
Stephen Rauch, Director of Information Technology at SCPA, commented: “We are pleased to have successfully completed phase one implementation of the Tideworks’ TOS solution that will enhance planning and operations at our marine terminals.
“The Port is experiencing strong growth, and the addition of Tideworks’ solutions will support our ability to efficiently handle increased cargo volumes over the long term.”
Thomas Rucker, President of Tideworks, also made a statement: “Our partnership with SCPA has afforded Tideworks myriad opportunities to demonstrate the capabilities of our next generation TOS solutions.
“We look forward to continuing our partnership with SCPA and supporting its growth with innovative and effective solutions that add value to the supply chain and the communities that SCPA serves.”
Source: porttechnology.org