Posted on February 7, 2017
AFTER months of delays, it will be all smooth sailing for Rosslyn Bay boaties.
Roughly 46,000 cubic metres of material has been removed from the harbour in a bid to improve navigational access.
Keppel MP Brittany Lauga said the works, announce in June, were part of a $1.5 million contract to restore all-tide navigational access to Rosslyn Bay.
“Experienced dredging contractor, Birdon Pty Ltd has now completed works to improve access to this popular harbour,” she said.
“They completed the entrance, navigational channels, access to the marina and all areas around the public piles.”
The works were delayed for some time due to weather and the discovery of unexpected debris.
“The contractor has done a great job ensuring these works were completed with no safety or environmental incidents,” Ms Lauga said.
“Environmental impacts were a high priority during these works with stringent sediment and water quality monitoring implemented to ensure impacts were kept to a minimum.
“Ecological surveys were also undertaken before and after works to ensure the monitoring program was effective.”
Dredge material was taken to an approved disposal site 1.1km offshore.
Source: CQNews