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SIC OKs Back Bay Dredging

Posted on September 15, 2020

SEA ISLE CITY – Sea Isle City Council approved a resolution,awarding a municipal lagoon dredging project, for $945,000.Prior to the approval, Mayor Leonard Desiderio said the resolution was an important one.

“We also have been working with the property owners in the areas of 38th Street and south, and along Venicean Road, to get the back bay waterways clear and as navigable as possible.

“The last dredging done in these areas was in 2012, and we worked with the owners, who could piggyback on this maintenance dredging to get their private slips dredged, as well as all levels of government from federal to the state DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) to obtain the necessary permitting.

“Disposing of the dredging spoils was a very difficult issue, but we were successful with everyone, including multiple government agencies working together,” said Desiderio.

Source: capemaycountyherald

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