Posted on September 27, 2016
By Paul Czapkowicz
An Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal dredging project that has resulted in the removal of almost 1 million cubic yards of sediment since 2012 resumed on Sept. 13.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oversees the project that is a joint venture in which the Kokosing Construction Co., Inc. and O’Brien & Gere conduct the dredging and operation of a confined disposal facility.
Natalie Mills, project manager for the Army Corps, gave an update on the project recently to the East Chicago Waterway Management District board.
“That work is scheduled to continue through December, and that includes the federal and and the nonfederal work for a total of 270,000 cubic yards of material,” Mills said.
That number represents an increase from the 170,00 cubic yards of material that was expected to be removed this year based on information provided at a public meeting held by the Army Corps and the Waterway Management Board in June.
At that time it was thought the dredging project was to resume in August.
Mills said she did not know of any specific reason the dredging did not start until this month other than it depended on the contractor’s schedule.
While Kokosing and O’Brien & Gere will finish their contractual obligations this year, Mills said the Army Corps is currently evaluating proposals for a new five-year operations and dredging contract.
“We’re on schedule to award a new contract by the 30th of September,” Mills said.
According to a corps news release, the harbor was not dredged from 1972 to 2012 due to contaminated sediment and lack of a suitable storage place for it.
That sediment is now stored at a confined disposal facility west of the Indianapolis bridge.
The Army Corps release also said removing approximately 1 million cubic yards of sediment has reduced the amount of contaminants that had been flowing into Lake Michigan and has allowed for more efficient commercial navigation.
Source: nwi.com