Posted on May 25, 2017
By Peter Daniels, portnews
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will place a draft maintenance plan for the Settlement Shores canals on public exhibition from May 30.
The draft plan will guide maintenance activities within the Settlement Shores estate over the next 10 years. This includes maintenance undertaken by both council and private land owners.
Some of the main maintenance activities identified include, dredging, rock protection reinstatement, beach zone renourishment, drainage outlet repairs, minor revetment wall repairs, and, reactive flood maintenance.
Councillors were told the Settlement Shores Estate canals comprise nine separate canal channels and act as key drainage channels for the surrounding areas with several stormwater outlets discharging into the canals.
“A detailed assessment of the canals was required to determine what maintenance activities would be required, when they should be conducted and a strategic cost estimation of the works,” a report tabled at the meeting said.
“A hydrographic survey and visual condition assessments of canal infrastructure were undertaken at the end of 2015.
“Initial community engagement was undertaken over the period April to May 2016 with the draft report being produced in October 2016. Final community consultation on the draft plan is required prior to finalising the plan with its subsequent implementation starting in the 2017/18 financial year.”
Along with community engagements during March to April 2016, council also received some 161 survey responses.
I think this is an example of where this council is prepared to look at difficult, historical issues and work through how to take positive action. – Cr Justin Levido
Council established an operational reserve for canal maintenance in 2003. Revenue collected from the boating structures licence fee is allocated to this reserve. The annual income from the licence fee is approximately $95,000.
As at July 2016 the reserve had a balance of $598,092 with anticipated income of $95,000 for the 2016/17 financial year, leaving a balance of $693,092.
Council has allocated the identified 2017/18 funds of $594,880 in the draft 2017/18 Operational Plan for canal major maintenance and dredging.
Based on the annual income of approximately $95,000 being allocated to the canal maintenance reserve there is a shortfall of about $1.2 million across the ten years for the funding of the canal maintenance plan.
Council will need to consider a suitable funding mechanism for the identified shortfall when the final plan is adopted.
Cr Justin Levido said the draft maintenance plan was an example where council was prepared to tackle difficult issues.
“It is good to see this maintenance plan will go out on public exhibition,” he said.
“Councillors have received a detailed briefing on this draft plan.
“I think this is an example of where this council is prepared to look at difficult, historical issues and work through how to take positive action.
“I would encourage plenty of submissions on this draft plan.”
The Settlement Shores Canal Maintenance Plan will be on exhibition for 28 days from May 30.
A further report will be tabled at the July council meeting, detailing submissions received from the public.
Source: portnews