Posted on April 28, 2019
State Sen. Margie Bright Matthews delivered positive news to Jasper County Council on the progression of the Jasper port during its April 15 meeting — more money is hopefully coming to support the project.
“Sen. Tom Davis and I were able to get the Senate Finance Committee to unanimously approve an $8 million appropriation for Jasper County to help with the port,” Matthews said.
Matthews said she spoke to Gov. Henry McMaster and believes he is trying to support Davis and Bright Matthews in “speeding up the port process.” She said Davis has been vigilant in his efforts to get the Jasper port moving forward.
Davis said he requested that the $8 million, which will support infrastructure for the port, would double the $4 million that was in the House version of the fiscal year 2019-2020 budget. Last week the state Senate approved its part of the state’s $9 billion budget, which included the Jasper port provision. The Senate will send its budget back to the House before a proposed budget is finalized and sent to Gov. McMaster for approval. Davis said before the final version is sent to the governor, a conference committee of three House members and three Senate members is appointed to reconcile the two versions of the budget.
“I will work along with the rest of our delegation to ensure that the $8 million for the Jasper port that is included in the Senate version of the budget remains in the final budget that is sent to Gov. Henry McMaster for his signature,” Davis said. “This sends a strong signal that the S.C. General Assembly stands strongly behind the development of a Jasper port. I fully expect the Senate’s $8 million appropriation will prevail over the House’s $4 million and for Governor McMaster to support the $8 million as well.”
Jasper County Council Chairman Tom Johnson said at the April 15 meeting he felt confident the appropriation will move forward.
“If the governor vetoes it (the request), I will feel like he lied to my face,” said Johnson, who noted he met recently with McMaster. “I feel confident it will move forward.”
Jasper County has a pending lawsuit against the S.C. Ports Authority. It threatened to sue because of the S.C. Ports decision to change the expected date to start construction on the Jasper Ocean Terminal from 2025 to 2035 because of increased capacity at the Charleston port.
Several months ago County Council tabled discussion of the suit to allow the governors of South Carolina and Georgia to meet before potentially moving ahead with the lawsuit.
Johnson said the lawsuit is still pending.
Check for county projects
Matthews also presented a $475,000 check to County Council for several projects. She said she received the funding from the Senate Finance and Ways and Means committees. Projects to be served with the money include $200,000 for restrooms at Sgt. Jasper Park in Hardeeville and restrooms and a picnic shelter at Robertville Community Center; $130,000 for a new ambulance; $75,000 for repairs to the emergency services building, and $70,000 for a sheriff’s office vehicle and equipment.
“We thank you for this check and keep up the good work,” Johnson said.
Source: blufftontoday.com