Posted on February 8, 2016
The rebuilding of the first 57 metre section of Cashin Quay 2 at the Port of Christchurch has finished and by the end of April the new wharf should reach 101 metres.
The entire 230 metre long wharf will be completed by the end of the year.
“The new Cashin Quay 2 wharf will be a development milestone, increasing capacity for the Container Terminal, boosting the number of berths available and providing increased operational efficiency for customers,” chief executive Peter Davie says.
More than 255 piles have been driven into the seabed and tied to the wharf with steel anchor rods during construction, giving a high level of seismic resilience and providing a stronger structure than the previous wharf.
The main pile driving of 70 metre piles finishes this month, while driving the smaller 12 metre long piles will be completed by the end of July.