Posted on May 6, 2019
Tideworks Technology Inc, a full-service provider of comprehensive terminal operating system solutions, announced that South Carolina Ports Authority has successfully gone live with Tideworks’ graphical planning solution, Spinnaker®, at the Port of Charleston’s Wando Welch and North Charleston terminals. This is the first phase of the Port of Charleston project and the second implementation of Tideworks’ TOS solutions within the SCPA network. Inland Port Dillon went live with Tideworks’ Intermodal Pro® terminal operating system in April 2018.
In this first phase of the project, all stevedores in the port complex have access to the system’s platform to increase process visibility throughout the terminal. Implementation of Tideworks’ TOS at the Port of Charleston will support SCPA’s broader objectives to efficiently handle increasing container volumes and reduce turn times through comprehensive graphical planning, improved inventory accuracy and enhanced productivity.
The go live of this initial phase represents the first milestone of the Port of Charleston project with Tideworks. To begin later this year, the second phase of the project will include the implementation of Tideworks’ next-generation TOS Mainsail®, Traffic Control™, the Terminal View® 3D data visualization system, Tideworks Insight™ and Advent Intermodal Solutions’ eModal® port community platform.
The implementations at the Port of Charleston reinforce SCPA’s partnership with Tideworks, which began with its greenfield intermodal rail terminal, Inland Port Dillon. In April 2018, the terminal went live with Tideworks’ intermodal terminal operating solutions, including the Intermodal Pro® TOS, GateVision® gate operating system, Traffic Control™ equipment dispatch system, and Tideworks Insight™. Inland Port Dillon was the first intermodal rail facility to deploy Tideworks Insight.
Source: steelguru.com