Posted on September 26, 2017
Most of the country’s rivers are struggling to survive due to encroachment, sand and stone lifting, and pollution, experts said at World Rivers Day.
Also, excessive siltation and limited flow of water from the upstream compounded the threat to the continued existence of these vital lifelines, they added.
If the government does not take strict measures to solve the internal issues, such as grabbing of rivers and pollution, and negotiate with the upstream countries to earn proper share of water, many of the country’s rivers will die, they observed.
The experts said despite being a riverine country Bangladesh is losing its rivers due to grabbing and pollution. Everyone should come forward to save the rivers.
The observations were made at a seminar organised by the National River Conservation Commission (NRCC), Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (Bapa), Waterkeepers Bangladesh and Riverine People at Jatiya Press Club in the capital, marking World Rivers Day.
Md Alauddin, former full-time member of NRCC, said, “I have visited many rivers… From my recent visits, I can say that the rivers are in a disastrous situation.” Therefore, the government should take strict measures to protect those.
Atharul Islam, its former chairman, blamed poor management and governance for the critical condition of the rivers. “There is no database of the rivers, although the commission took an initiative to create one, it was yet to start,” he said.
The authorities concerned should punish those who harm the rivers, Atharul said.
“Apart from India, the government must negotiate with other upstream countries such as China and Myanmar,” he added.
Speaking as the chief guest, Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan said the rivers can be saved by increasing its navigability through dredging.
The government is committed to conserve the rivers, and it took an initiative to dredge 118 naval routes. “The work has already started,” he said.
Abdul Matin, general secretary of Bapa; Sharif Jamil, executive director of Waterkeepers Bangladesh, and Sheikh Rokan, general secretary of Riverine People, also spoke.
Source: The Daily Star