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Savannah: Rep. Carter Meets With Marine Businesses

Buddy Carter

Posted on March 25, 2019

Offshore drilling, intercoastal waterway dredging and climate change were some of the discussion topics for members of the Georgia Marine Business Association as Congressman Buddy Carter (R-1) was their guest meeting speaker this week.

Charlie Waller, president of the group known as GAMBA, welcomed Carter and told guests a bit about the group.

“We have over 35 business members — practically every major marina and yacht club on the coast of Georgia,” Waller said at the Wednesday meeting.

Waller thanked both Carter and Brad Pickel, the executive director of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association for their hard work with federal agencies.

“Having worked with the Corps of Engineers and the Department of Natural Resources for a number of years it’s very gratifying to see them working together.”

Robert Hale with Hale Marine Services and a board member of the Coastal Conservation Association asked Carter about offshore oil exploration and noted many in the room are impacted by tourism dollars.

“Until we get to the point where we can have reliable, renewable energy we have to rely on fossil fuels,” Carter said. “I just want to know what’s out there — and I suspect there isn’t anything — but I’d like to know. Secondly there’s probably going to be more off Alaska or other areas than there is here, so they’re not going to be drilling here. Thirdly, if they were (to drill) — you’re still looking at years down the road. I think we need an inventory of what’s out there in case we need it.”

Carter also said he knows America can find the right answers.

“America is the leader in innovation,” Carter said. ” I’m convinced America can do that in clean energy as well.”

Carter was recently appointed to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and said the committee will explore opportunities.

“That’s what the committee is for,” Carter said. “I think this is a time of great opportunity.”

Carter noted he had asked to be on the committee.

The Congressman also told the group there is a “plan” for a tunnel under the Savannah River as an option to building a higher bridge than the Talmadge Bridge.

Georgia Port Authority officials said in September of 2018 the Talmadge Bridge will not allow for super-sized ships that will be heading this way over the next decade or so.

Mary Carpenter, a spokesperson for Carter, said on Thursday that there is no official plan for a tunnel but it was an idea that had been presented by a constituent.

Gina Hughey of Bull River Marina told Carter she was concerned over a proposal to widen the Bull River Bridge on U.S. 80.

The plans would take the bridge closer to the marina. Hughey said she had been unable to get an answer from state officials as to why the bridge would have to move closer to the marina.

Carter said state DOT officials had told him it was because the pilings on the bridge were classified as historical. Carter did say he was ask DOT officials to come down and meet about the issue.

Intercoastal dredging

Brad Pickel told the group the backlog of maintenance dredging along the Intracoastal is now decreasing.

“Georgia right now is sitting on about a $22.5 million backlog,” Pickel said. Pickel said the backlog for entire waterway has dropped from $125 million to $93 million.

“We are chomping away,” Pickel said.

The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association (AIWA) is a national, non-profit organization started in 1999 with the mission of securing funding and support for the maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW).

Waller and Pickel said dredging at Jekyll Creek will begin soon, with the equipment “on the way.”

The mission of GAMBA is to represent the collective efforts of recreational marine-related businesses by working to promote and protect the interests of those conducting business in and around the waters of Coastal Georgia. It is their goal to create harmony between businesses and within the industry through advocacy, networking, and communication.

For more information call (912) 484-3611.


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