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Sand Replenishment Delayed in Sandbridge

Posted on March 11, 2019

The sand replenishment project in Sandbridge has been delayed until November because of the government shutdown earlier this year.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — People living in Sandbridge are upset after a project to replenish the beach is delayed.

The project was pushed from this winter to next fall.

“You can definitely see the difference in the high tide lines coming up coming very close to the houses and stuff in some places, but not so much in others,” said community member Bill Gasset said.

Gasset said if the sand replenishment project isn’t done soon, he believes it could cause issues for everyone.

“Worse and worse means we could lose property and no one wants to see that happen,” Gassett explained.

Virginia Beach Public Works Officials said the federal government shutdown caused a two-month delay on the project as well as a no-dredge restriction for turtle nesting. Officials told 13News Now the $20 million sand replenishment project will now start in November.

“I’m confident that the city will come through and the corps of engineers will come through and make it happen,” explained longtime resident Pat Barton.

Officials said the beach is still in good condition. The last sand restoration project was done in 2013, and 50 percent of the sand is still on the beach.

“We had a fairly mild winter. Not too many storms so I think we can get through another summer,” Barton said.

Community members said they are a little upset about the project starting later than expected, but they’re thankful it’s not happening during the summer.

“It creates a lot of problems when they start in the summer. It’s been done once and it was very challenging for everyone living here and for the vacationers,” said Barton.

The project will go out for bids in March, and the project will start in November. It is expected to be completed by March of 2020.


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