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Sand at the End of the Tunnel?

Posted on August 27, 2018

Permanent relief from the perennial erosion of Town Neck Beach is almost in sight.

The U.S Army Corps of Engineers is seeking feedback about a sizeable dredging project proposed by the town of Sandwich that would use sand from a borrow site off Scusset Beach to replenish Town Neck Beach, according to a public notice issued Tuesday.

Sandwich is looking to obtain a permit from the Army Corps to begin the work of excavating up to 224,500 cubic yards of sand and gravel materials from a 23-acre subtidal site off Scusset Beach, which would be transported to the ailing Town Neck area to be “pumped out, dewatered and used for dune and beach reconstruction,” according to the notice.

The Army Corps will be evaluating the public’s interest in the plan over the next 30 days, which they hope will reflect “national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources,” according to the notice. The opening of the comment period comes as Sandwich has secured all of the required state permits to proceed with the dredging, and the Army Corps’ permit is the last approval needed to move forward.

Source: Cape Cod Times

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