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San Mateo County Harbor District Receives Pillar Point Harbor Dredging Permit from the Army Corp of Engineers

Posted on June 26, 2024

GENERAL MANAGER. From the San Mateo County Harbor District General Manager, Jim Pruett, by email to Coastside Buzz.

APPROVED. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service/US Fish and Wildlife Service — Section 304/10 Permit and Endangered Species Act Consultations

STATUS: Application Review, Consultations, and NEPA Analysis Completed. Final permit approval pending upon completion of RWQCB permitting process. Approved June 24th, 2024

The Army Corp Permit

June 24th, 2024

Dear Mr. Pruett:

Enclosed is your signed copy of a Department of the Army permit (Enclosure 1) to
dredge approximately 114,000 cubic yards of sediment from Pillar Point Harbor, with placement
of dredged material on Surfers Beach and at the eelgrass mitigation site.

SPN 2012 00207 Pillar Point and Surfers Beach Permit 2nd Trans 20240624

APPROVED.  San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Permit — Clean Water Act, Section 401 Water Quality Certification

STATUS: Final management review (as of 5/29/24), now approved.

This permit application required the final Eelgrass Mitigation Plans to be complete and submission was therefore delayed until NMFS/CDFW approval of the mitigation plan. The permit application was first submited in October 2022 but was returned on 4/14/23, deemed incomplete due to lack of eelgrass mitigation plans and Final CEQA document.

A new application was again submited on 2/05/2024 (with updated permit attachments), along with payment of the permit fee, following completion of a CEQA Notice of Determination, agency approval of the eelgrass mitigation plans and preparation of final CAD engineering design plans.

On 4/09/24, RWQCB staff informed the District that we needed to re-submit the application once again. The District re-signed and submited the application a third time.

RWQCB staff notified District consultant on May 29, 2024 that the application was under review by management and expected that the permit would be signed during the week of June 3rd, 2024.

Once the permit is signed then Army Corps can issue their permit then GFNMS (Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary) assumedly will review the Corps’ permit and sign off on the National Marine Sanctuaries Permit.

Memo Surfers Beach Permitting Update June 2024


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