Posted on July 6, 2017
With the objective of meeting the crises related to flood triggered by incessant rainfall, the Irrigation and Flood Control (IFC) Department officials are mulling large-scale dredging exercise along major rivers that pass through Imphal.
However, the IFCD engineers admitted that dredging exercise would not be an easy task.
A company from abroad is likely to be hired for dredging exercise in case it gets a nod from the Cabinet .
In an exclusive chat with The Sangai Express, Chief Engineer of IFCD, Gurumayum Robindro Sharma said Manipur has experienced numerous floods for the last many years which wrought devastation.
There have been instances of loss of lives and properties when such disasters happen .
As such, with the objective to lessen the impact of floods in the State, the State Govt has held meetings of different departments’ officials, Robindro Sharma said .
The crux of such meetings centred around massive dredging exercise along major rivers that pass through Imphal.
The meeting discussed about tabling the issue in the State Cabinet, he said .
The meetings also discussed about entrusting a company from the Netherlands to dredge the rivers.
The Netherlands is considered to be an expert in water body preservation, he said .
Dredging cannot be taken out at one go.
Therefore, the dredging exercise, if taken out, may be done phase-wise with financial assistance from the Ministry of Water Resource, Govt of India.
Dredging will help remove silt that builds up at the bottom of rivers and allow water to drain away more efficiently.
It may be mentioned here that the total length of Nambul River is 64 kms.
It originates from Leilon Vaiphei of Kangchup hill range.
The average depth of the river is about 4.65 M, according to IFC officials .
The total length of Imphal River is said to be about 130 kms.
It starts from the Northern Hill range of Senapati district (Mayangkhang area) and stretches till Sekmaijin.
The average depth of the river is about 7.50 M .
The total length of Iril River is said to be about 148 kms (from Lakamai to Lilong confluence) and the average depth of the river is about 11.00 M .
Once the State Cabinet gives its approval for dredging the rivers, a DPR would be prepared along with other link departments like Forest and Environment, Revenue, Agriculture and experts of river management and Manipur University, the IFC Chief Engineer said.
He added that environmental activists, CSOs, NGOs and residents along river banks would also be consulted.
Source: E-PAO