Posted on April 5, 2018
The Republic of Iceland has made commitment to the development and improvement of the Liberian Fishery Sector.
Making the commitment during a power-point presentation over the weekend, World Bank Senior Natural Resource Economist said Iceland has agreed to provide technical assistance towards the development of the sector.
Madam Jingjie Chu told a gathering of officials from the National Fisheries and Aquaculture that, Iceland’s assistance is through capacity building of NaFAA Staff, ensuring the improvement of smoking ovens, providing support for the reduction of plastic pollution and technical training in water and sanitation across coastal communities.
Communities in Montserrado and its surroundings to benefit include West Point, Banjor, among others.
Coastal Communities in Grand Cape Mount County were also highlighted by the World Bank’s Senior Economist, describing them as areas of potential fish deposits.
There are also plans by the Bank to support the dredging of the Montserrado pier.
Support from Iceland will add value to the local fishermen’s products, ensure livelihood, and create job opportunities as a way of contributing meaningfully to the Liberian economy.
The statement from the World Bank’s official is an off shot from the recent international fisheries meeting, which brought together Liberia’s fisheries partners including the EU, China, the Fisheries Committee for West and Central Gulf of Guinea, Korean, FAO, and USAID among others.
Also making remarks the Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, Mrs. Emma Metieh-Glassco, commended the Icelandic government for the high level commitment aimed at boosting the Liberian Fisheries Sector and at the same time creating job opportunities in fishing communities.
Mrs. Metieh-Glassco stressed that the Liberian Fisheries Sector has a lot of potentials for investment opportunities.
She asked the private sector investors to maximize the chances, create more jobs and improve livelihood across coastal communities.
She urged those in the private sector to invest more in the Aquaculture sector where, according to her, “lies a lot of potential for growth.”
Source: FPA