Posted on May 4, 2017
WORK has commenced to remove the remaining bags of sediment dredged from the Ballina Boat Harbour.
Parliamentary Secretary for Northern NSW, Ben Franklin said the sediment has now dried out sufficiently to allow its removal and work can soon begin to restore the site for full use.
“This project supports local and regional economies by maintaining safe access for the commercial fishing fleet and recreational and commercial boaters that operate out of the harbour,” Mr Franklin said.
“The Department of Industry – Lands & Forestry has engaged local contractor Dredging Solutions, trading as National Dredging Services, to conduct the work which started this week.”
The removal of the final bags of dredge sediment to an authorised waste facility will be undertaken over a 12 week period.
This will include disposal of all associated materials and rehabilitation of the site including levelling and grassing.
The work will also involve the removal and disposal of the geotextile bags, water containment system, sediment erosion controls and sand bags.
Mr Franklin said when the sediment has been removed the site will be levelled and sprayed with a mixture of grass seeds and mulch material to restore the green area.
“The dredging project was successfully completed in 2016 and the sediments removed have been de-watering on-site in large geotextile bags but it is now time for the sediments to be disposed and the site rehabilitated,” Mr Franklin said.
The dredging and sediment removal work is funded under the NSW Government’s “Dredging of Priority Waterways on the North Coast” program.
Source: Northern Star