Posted on August 21, 2018
The construction of new and reconstruction of existing seaports and navigable canals are the main shots in renewal of the dredgers fleet in Russia.The vivid examples are the ports of Ust-Luga and Sabetta.For the benefit of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, dredging on the bars of the main rivers was intensified to arrange the northern delivery of food to remote regions of Russia.The demand for dredgers was revived for reclamation works in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and for the nourishment of roads and sites for drilling rigs in the oil and gas sector.
From 2010 to 2018 the total amount of public contracts concluded made about USD 166.7 mln.
Figure 1 shows the dynamics of public order for dredgers in 2010-2018 (the 1st half year).
Figure 1: Dynamics of public contracts for dredges in 2010-2018 (the 1st half year),USD million
The peak of conducted bids in 2014 with purchases amounting to USD 66.7 mln was due to the heavy orders of Rosmorport FSUE for building of 4 TSHD dredges.
The top 5 customers are given in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Major customers of dredges in 2010-2018 (the 1st half year), USD million
In 2011, the previously used dredging convoy Hitachi 102 of Jakamoto Zosen was purchased for the Sakhalin branch via Servisdok LLC. The dredge was named “Farvater”.
In 2012-2013 IHC Beaver Dredgers B.V. (Netherlands) built a nonpropelled dredger “Artemy Volynsky” for Volga-Caspian Maritime Canal.
In 2013 Rosmorport FSUE posted the bids for USD 16.7 mln for a hopper THSD dredge with a hold volume of 2000-2500 m3 for the Arkhangelsk branch.Four applications were submitted (Table 2).
Table 2:Bidders Offers
The winner was Damen.The dredge was named “Severnaya Dvina” (THSD 2000).The ship was built at Song Thu Corporation in Vietnam, being a part of Damen Shipyards Group. In 2016 it was declared at the customs at 23.063 million dollars, which amounted to USD 22.2 mln at the rate of 2013, although in the bid offer had much lesser price of USD 16.6 mln.
The next bids for design and construction of 3 THSD dredgers with a hold capacity of 1000 m3 for Rosmorport FSUE branches was estimated at USD 37.8 mln. Four applicants took part in the bids (Table 3).
Table 3:Bidders Offers
Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard owned by the AOOSK holding, won the bids.“Sommers”, “Kronshlot” and “Kadosh” ships were built using Damen semi knocked down kits, the shipyard manufactured the hull.
In 2015 the previously used multibucket dredger Severnaya (built in 1977 in Yugoslavia) was purchased from Novomortekhflot LLC for the Azov-Black Sea Basin Branch. The restoring repairs as carried out at Tekhflot LLC (Sevastopol) for USD 0.5 mln.
In 2016 the previously used hopper dredger “Lauver” for was purchased for the Azov-Black Sea basin fleet.
In 2017, without any bids, Rosmorport FSUE signed a contract with Onego Shipyard LLC for another hopper dredger TSHD 2000 building according to the Damen design. The contract amount is more than USD 16.7 mln.According to Marc Thyssen, the Damen representative, the company will provide Onego Shipyard with the ship design and components. The bids were not held as at the end of the last year Rosmorport made an agreement of intent with Damen Shipyards Group on the company’s participation in the authorized capital of Onego Shipyard LLC. However according to the Contour Focus as of 28.06.18 the founding members remained unchanged and still 100% of share in the authorized capital belongs to Rosmorport.In 2017 the ship was launched as “Peter Sablin”.
The same year, a nonpropelled single-bucket dredger Waka Nami Go, which is a Hitachi hydraulic excavator mounted on a pontoon with three supporting columns, was bought in Estonia for the North-West Basin Branch.
In 2018 Rosmorport FSUE issued an open request for a dredger with a vessel volume of 2000 m3. According to the Minutes of Meeting ??-18/1 dd. June 19, 2018, the only bidder was the same Damen with the offer price of 21,6 millon euros.
In general, over the last 8 years Rosmorport FSUE has purchased dredgers for more than USD 133.3 mln. Damen Shipyards Group became the leader among the suppliers in terms of sales revenue.
Among dredgers suppliers the significant part was made by intermediaries:
• Nemetskiye Nasosy LLC: purchased a multifunctional dredger Watermaster Classic IV in Finland for resale;
• Mashmet LLC:also resold the dredger Watermaster Classic IV to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant;
• Polimertrubstroy LLC:Dredmark 1400 diesel dredger was manufactured on the slipways of Chelyabinsk Non-Standard Equipment Plant.
• LLC Admiral, Grifon, Trading House Alpha, Ratex are engaged in the resale of Dutch mini dredger Truxor.
Top 5 manufacturers of new dredges are given in Figure 3
Figure 3: Top-5 ship yards, which supplied dredges in 2010-2018 (the 1st half year), USD million.
The Dutch company Damen goes with the significant margin of victory.Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard OJSC does not quite deserve the 2nd place, as about 80% of the contract price belonged to the same old Damen.The world-known leader IHC Beaver Dredgers B.V. B.V. modestly took the 4th place. Thus, considering the deliveries to Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard OJSC, Damen has implemented over 50% of the Russian Federation budgetary appropriations for dredges purchase.
In 2010-2018 the Russian Federation budget expenditures for the dredges purchase amounted to USD 166.7 mln. Russian manufacturers showed that they are able to produce only classic small and medium-sized pipe-line dredgers.Large marine vessels in Russia are assembled from Dutch components, which are supplied only by Damen.Multifunctional machinery is imported from Finland and Holland.An exception and a real example of imports phase-out were the marine diesel dredger of 4000 cubic meters per hour as per slurry (analog to Damen CSD 500) and a multifunctional self-propelled amphibian “Vodyanoy 600” (analogue to Watermaster Classic IV).Currently, this design team is engaged in the design of a new Russian technology (with the Dredmark brand name) at Chelyabinsk Non-Standard Equipment Plant.
According to official statements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, in the next 10 years it is planned to purchase about 70 large dredgers priced at over USD 500 mln. It can be predicted that if the state provides no support to the domestic manufactures, this budget will be implemented by Damen, which monopolized the market of Russia public orders.